Tom was arrested in Boston yesterday afternoon.
Tom va ser arrestat a Boston ahir a la tarda.
A woman was arrested yesterday for leaving a baby unattended in her car in searing heat.
Una dona va ser detinguda ahir per deixar un nadó sense vigilància al seu cotxe amb una calor abrasadora.
She passed away yesterday afternoon.
Va morir ahir a la tarda.
I'm stronger than yesterday.
Sóc més fort que ahir.
It was so hot in Australia yesterday that Tom managed to fry an egg on a shovel.
A Austràlia ahir feia tanta calor que en Tom va aconseguir fregir un ou a una pala.
That was quite an experience we had yesterday.
Va ser una experiència que vam tenir ahir.
Tom quit his job yesterday.
Tom va deixar la seva feina ahir.
The movie I saw yesterday afternoon was quite good.
La pel · lícula que vaig veure ahir a la tarda va ser molt bona.
Let's forget about what happened yesterday.
I oblidem el que va passar ahir.
Remember what I said to you yesterday.
Recorda el que et vaig dir ahir.
Tomorrow's job must be thought through yesterday.
La feina de demà s'ha de pensar fins ahir.
Yes, I met her in the library yesterday.
Ahir la vaig conèixer a la biblioteca.
Couldn't you have told me about that yesterday?
No m'ho podries haver explicat ahir?
The Senate passed the bill yesterday.
El Senat va aprovar ahir el projecte de llei.
Tom picked up a good bargain yesterday.
Tom va aconseguir un bon tracte ahir.
Tom went to Boston yesterday.
Tom va anar ahir a Boston.
Compared to yesterday, the weather is better today.
En comparació amb ahir, el temps és millor avui.
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