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- Year
Translation of "year" into Catalan
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IPA : /jɪr/
Apples are scarce this year.
Les pomes són escasses aquest any.
I live here all year round now.
Ara visc aquí tot l'any.
Our sales doubled this year.
Les nostres vendes s’han duplicat aquest any.
Who ran for president that year?
Qui es va presentar a la presidència aquell any?
Last year there was a lot of snow.
L’any passat hi havia molta neu.
This year I most definitely have to drive.
Aquest any, sens dubte, he de conduir.
The climate here is warm for most of the year.
El clima aquí és càlid durant la major part de l'any.
Northern lights appear all year round in Greenland.
Les llums del nord apareixen tot l'any a Groenlàndia.
The records of our company show a large profit for the year.
Els registres de la nostra empresa mostren un gran benefici per a l'any.
We had a record crop this year.
Aquest any hem tingut un rècord.
People of the world, how do you spend the last day of the old year? Here, on Caroline Island, we met the new year a little earlier than you did.
La gent del món, com es passa l'últim dia de l'any vell? Aquí, a l'illa Caroline, ens vam conèixer l'any nou una mica abans que tu.
The new year is coming with long strides.
El nou any arriba amb llargs avenços.
It's never been harder for us to work than this year.
Mai ha estat més difícil treballar que aquest any.
I hope we can realize these plans next year.
Espero poder realitzar aquests plans l'any que ve.
Next year we'll recur to this issue.
L'any que ve tornarem a aquest tema.
What problems are you planning to resolve next year?
Quins problemes teniu previst resoldre l’any que ve?
Next year we have to clean the whole beach.
L’any que ve hem de netejar tota la platja.
With every birthday, we grow older by one year.
Amb cada aniversari, envellim un any.
Last year was a period of economic uncertainty.
L’any passat va ser un període d’incertesa econòmica.
Nobody did anything worthy this year.
Ningú ha fet res digne aquest any.
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