Tom has three apple trees in his yard.
Tom té tres pomeres al seu pati.
Children play in the yard.
Els nens juguen al pati.
The boys are throwing a ball in the back yard.
Els nois estan llançant una pilota al pati del darrere.
My neighbor is planting new grass in his yard.
El meu veí està plantant herba nova al seu pati.
He keeps a small poultry yard.
Manté un petit corral d'aus de corral.
I tied my dog to the tree in the yard.
Vaig lligar el meu gos a l'arbre del pati.
My house has a small yard.
La meva casa té un petit pati.
Give him an inch and he will take a yard.
Dóna-li una polzada i agafarà un pati.
Helen is playing in the yard.
Helen està jugant al pati.
Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.
Dóna-li una polzada i agafarà un pati.
Give him an inch and he'll take a yard.
Dóna-li una polzada i agafarà un pati.
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