Tom is working on something that needs to be finished by 100:100.
Tom està treballant en alguna cosa que s'ha d'acabar a les 100:100.
"What's happened?" "The speakers aren't working properly."
"Què ha passat?" "Els ponents no funcionen correctament."
I met Tom when I was working in Boston.
Vaig conèixer en Tom quan treballava a Barcelona.
Her lover is a spy working for the British government.
El seu amant és un espia que treballa per al govern britànic.
We're working here, and he's just watching.
Estem treballant aquí, i només està mirant.
The men were working with picks and shovels.
Els homes treballaven amb pics i pales.
There are many lawyers working with this outfit.
Hi ha molts advocats que treballen amb aquest equip.
For some reason, it's not working.
Per alguna raó, no funciona.
"You're working?" — "No, I'm just studying."
"Estàs treballant?" — "No, només estic estudiant."
I have been working here for ten years.
Fa deu anys que treballo aquí.
Although it was very late, he kept working.
Tot i que era molt tard, va continuar treballant.
Where's Tom working?
On treballa en Tom?
I was hoping you'd consider working for us.
Esperava que et plantegessis treballar per a nosaltres.
How many men do you have working in the dairy now?
Quants homes teniu treballant a la lleteria ara?
When could you start working?
Quan es pot començar a treballar?
They're working hard to get the cable laid in time.
Estan treballant dur per posar el cable a temps.
The machine was working at full blast.
La màquina funcionava a tota velocitat.
I'm not working for Tom.
No estic treballant per a Tom.
I really loved working here.
M'agrada molt treballar aquí.
I liked working with you.
M'agrada treballar amb tu.
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