You can't get through the mountain pass in the winter.
No es pot passar pel port de muntanya a l'hivern.
The four seasons of the year are spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
Les quatre estacions de l'any són primavera, estiu, tardor i hivern.
This must be a lonely place in the winter.
Aquest ha de ser un lloc solitari a l'hivern.
It's very cold, this winter!
Fa molt de fred, aquest hivern!
All the pipes froze last winter.
Totes les canonades es van congelar l'hivern passat.
It's not long till the winter holidays.
No és llarg fins a les vacances d'hivern.
I hate winter.
odio l'hivern.
The lake freezes in winter.
El llac es congela a l'hivern.
Ginger is very useful in the winter period.
El gingebre és molt útil a l'hivern.
Last winter, I went skiing in Canada.
L’hivern passat vaig anar a esquiar al Canadà.
Mary bought a new winter coat.
Maria va comprar un abric d'hivern nou.
We often went skiing in the winter.
Sovint anàvem a esquiar a l'hivern.
I met her in the winter several years ago.
La vaig conèixer a l'hivern fa uns quants anys.
Does it snow a lot in the winter?
Neu molt a l’hivern?
In winter, we need to feed the birds.
A l'hivern, hem d'alimentar els ocells.
It's very unlikely that we will release a new album before next winter.
És molt poc probable que publiquem un nou àlbum abans de l'hivern vinent.
It looks like winter is here to stay.
Sembla que l’hivern ha arribat per quedar-se.
What's your favorite winter sport?
Quin és el teu esport d'hivern preferit?
It would be better if you didn't climb such a high mountain in the winter.
Seria millor si no pugessis una muntanya tan alta a l'hivern.
I can't do without a coat in the winter.
No puc prescindir d'un abric a l'hivern.
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