With enough effort, anyone can beat the odds to become a winner.
Amb prou esforç, qualsevol pot superar les probabilitats per convertir-se en guanyador.
Last year's Miss Universe winner is very tall.
La guanyadora de Miss Univers de l'any passat és molt alta.
Tom's pumpkin was the winner!
La carbassa de Tom va ser la guanyadora!
Tom is the winner.
Tom és el guanyador.
He called out the name of the winner.
Va cridar el nom del guanyador.
Dr. Yukawa, the Nobel prize winner, died in 100.
Dr. Yukawa, el premi Nobel, va morir l'any 100.
Dr. Yukawa, the Nobel prize winner, died in 1981.
Dr. Yukawa, el premi Nobel, va morir el 1981.
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