Won't you sample some of my wine?
No tastaràs una mica del meu vi?
Tom bought three bottles of red wine.
Tom va comprar tres ampolles de vi negre.
The wine was excellent.
El vi era excel · lent.
How much wine should I buy?
Quant de vi he de comprar?
How much more wine should I buy?
Quants més vi he de comprar?
Mary asked Tom to open the wine bottle and then kissed him while he was busy.
Mary va demanar a Tom que obrís l'ampolla de vi i després el va fer un petó mentre estava ocupat.
Mary asked Tom to open the wine bottle and then kissed him while he was distracted.
Mary va demanar a Tom que obrís l'ampolla de vi i després el va fer un petó mentre estava distret.
This is red wine.
És un vi negre.
This wine is red.
Aquest vi és negre.
Good wine gladdens the heart.
El bon vi brilla el cor.
After the second glass of wine, Tom became talkative.
Després de la segona copa de vi, Tom es va tornar parlant.
I drank the wine.
Vaig beure el vi.
Do you like French wine?
T'agrada el vi francès?
I'm going to open the wine.
Vaig a obrir el vi.
I wonder where Tom keeps his wine.
Em pregunto on en Tom guarda el seu vi.
Her attraction was dubious even after the second glass of wine.
La seva atracció era dubtosa fins i tot després de la segona copa de vi.
We drank some wine.
Vam beure una mica de vi.
Didn't you order red wine?
No has demanat vi negre?
He filled the glasses with wine.
Va omplir les copes de vi.
I brought wine.
Vaig portar vi.
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