Go away from the window.
Allunyar-se de la finestra.
Tom confessed that he had broken the window.
Tom va confessar que havia trencat la finestra.
Don't put your hand out the window.
No posis la mà per la finestra.
Don't leave your hands outside the window.
No deixis les mans fora de la finestra.
Tom broke the door window, reached inside, unlocked the door and got into the car.
Tom va trencar la finestra de la porta, va entrar a dins, va obrir la porta i va pujar al cotxe.
"How did you get in here?" "I climbed in through the window."
"Com vas entrar aquí?" "Vaig pujar per la finestra."
I climbed in through the window.
Vaig entrar per la finestra.
"Hey, why is the window open?" "I just opened it to let in a little air. If you're cold, feel free to close it."
"Ei, per què la finestra està oberta?" "L'acabo d'obrir per deixar entrar una mica d'aire. Si tens fred, no dubtis a tancar-lo."
There are traceries around each window of old man Simon's house.
Hi ha traceries al voltant de cada finestra de la casa del vell Simon.
The man who looked through the window caught my attention because he had on the strangest hat I've ever seen in my life.
L'home que va mirar per la finestra em va cridar l'atenció perquè tenia el barret més estrany que he vist mai a la meva vida.
The wind was whistling in the broken window.
El vent xiulava per la finestra trencada.
Who broke the window? He did.
Qui va trencar la finestra? Ho va fer.
Push the table over by the window.
Empenyeu la taula per la finestra.
While travelling on the train, I stuck my head out the window, and my cap flew off.
Mentre viatjava al tren, em vaig ficar el cap per la finestra i la meva gorra va volar.
I don't want to open the window.
No vull obrir la finestra.
Tom was peering out of the window into the street.
Tom mirava per la finestra al carrer.
Please don't throw the bottle out the window.
Si us plau, no llenceu l'ampolla per la finestra.
I opened the window.
Vaig obrir la finestra.
Tom stood at the open window.
Tom es va quedar a la finestra oberta.
Please lower the window.
Baixeu la finestra.
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