You'll have to establish residence here before you can vote.
Haureu d'establir la residència aquí abans de poder votar.
Three-fourths of the people of this town don't vote.
Tres quartes parts de la gent d'aquest poble no voten.
I won't go to vote!
No vaig a votar!
I might vote for Tom.
Podria votar en Tom.
I know who I'm going to vote for.
Sé a qui votaré.
We want to vote.
Volem votar.
Who did you vote for?
A qui heu votat?
Do you really want to vote for Tom?
De debò vols votar en Tom?
Let's put it to a vote.
Anem a votar.
Tom certainly won't get my vote.
Tom, sens dubte, no obtindrà el meu vot.
You aren't really going to vote for Tom, are you?
Realment no votaràs per Tom, oi?
The vote on the question was close.
La votació sobre la qüestió va ser molt propera.
She was born just a generation past slavery. A time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky, when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons: because she was a woman, and because of the color of her skin.
Va néixer només una generació després de l'esclavitud. Una època en què no hi havia cotxes a la carretera ni avions al cel, quan algú com ella no podia votar per dos motius: perquè era dona, i pel color de la seva pell.
The Labor Party's vote increased at last year's election.
El vot del Partit Laborista va augmentar a les eleccions de l'any passat.
In any case, you need to vote "yes" in the February 100th referendum.
En qualsevol cas, cal votar "sí" en el referèndum del 100 de febrer.
No one will vote for the budget.
Ningú no votarà el pressupost.
The new law will deprive religious minorities of their right to vote.
La nova llei privarà les minories religioses del seu dret a vot.