Meaning & Definition of word "Unintentionally"
- 1. In a manner that is not intended or deliberate; accidentally.
- Example: She unintentionally spilled coffee on her friend's shirt.
- 2. Without intention; in a way that is not planned or foreseen.
- Example: He unintentionally revealed the surprise party while talking.
- 3. Not done with conscious design or purpose; happening by chance.
- Example: The child unintentionally broke the vase while playing.
- 4. Inadvertently; through carelessness or lack of attention.
- Example: They unintentionally ignored the main point of the discussion.
Derived from the prefix 'un-' meaning 'not' and 'intentionally', which comes from 'intention' plus the adverbial suffix '-ally'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
no intention:
To not have any deliberate aim or goal in mind.
by accident:
Something that happens unintentionally.
without meaning to:
To do something without having the intent to do so.
Related Words
Not done on purpose; accidental.
Happening by chance; not planned.
Slang Meanings of unintentionally
Meaning: Oops
Example Sentence: I spilled my drink, oops!
Meaning: My bad
Example Sentence: I didn't mean to step on your foot, my bad.