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Translation of "understand" into Catalan
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IPA : /əndərstænd/
You never understand anything.
Mai no entens res.
Even I can understand this sentence. It's very easy to understand.
Fins i tot puc entendre aquesta frase. És molt fàcil d'entendre.
I understand Tom salted away a good deal for his old age.
Entenc que Tom va salar molt per a la seva vellesa.
The English articles are bread-and-butter important. For instance, if I ask my English friend to hold my bag for a while, and then ask to give it back by saying "Give me bag", he'll probably steal the bag of the man standing around because he didn't understand which bag was meant.
Els articles en anglès són importants per al pa i la mantega. Per exemple, si demano al meu amic anglès que agafi la bossa durant un temps, i després demani que la torni dient "Dóna'm la bossa", probablement robarà la bossa de l'home que hi ha al voltant perquè no entenia quina bossa estava destinada.
A clever husband reads his wife's thoughts, but doesn't try to understand them.
Un marit intel·ligent llegeix els pensaments de la seva dona, però no intenta entendre'ls.
Do you understand what that means?
Entens què significa això?
I don't understand why people idolize criminals.
No entenc per què la gent idolatra els criminals.
Impossible things happen that we can't understand. They're completely unimaginable.
Passen coses impossibles que no podem entendre. Són completament inimaginables.
Try to understand why that's what the man did.
Intenta entendre per què això és el que va fer l'home.
The students didn't understand the teacher's explanation.
Els alumnes no van entendre l'explicació del professor.
"Sometimes I can't understand what comes over you. I'd like to know that." "I'd like to know that too..."
"De vegades no puc entendre què et passa. M'agradaria saber-ho." "M'agradaria saber-ho també..."
Sometimes I can't understand what comes over you. I'd like to know that.
De vegades no entenc què et passa. M'agradaria saber-ho.
The more you know, the more you understand that you know nothing.
Com més saps, més entens que no saps res.
Does Tom understand French?
En Tom entén el francès?
She couldn't understand what had happened there.
No podia entendre què havia passat allà.
There is still a great deal about the human brain that we don't understand.
Encara hi ha molt sobre el cervell humà que no entenem.
Under the Tatoeba guidelines, it is recommended that members only add sentences in their native language and/or translate from a language they can understand into their native language. The reason for this is that it is much easier to form natural-sounding sentences in one's native language. When we write in a language other than our native language, it is very easy to produce sentences that sound strange. Please make sure you only translate the sentence if you are sure you know what it means.
Segons les directrius de Tatoeba, es recomana que els membres només afegeixin frases en la seva llengua materna i/o tradueixin d'una llengua que puguin entendre a la seva llengua materna. La raó d'això és que és molt més fàcil formar frases de so natural en la pròpia llengua materna. Quan escrivim en una llengua diferent de la nostra llengua materna, és molt fàcil produir frases que sonen estranyes. Assegureu-vos de traduir només la frase si esteu segurs que sabeu què significa.
If Tom had been speaking French, I would have been able to understand him.
Si Tom hagués estat parlant francès, l'hauria pogut entendre.
I couldn't understand anything Tom said.
No podia entendre res que digués Tom.
I hope you understand me.
Espero que m'entenguis.
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