I get very uncomfortable when I catch him staring at me.
Em sento molt incòmode quan l'agafo mirant-me.
Everyone looks uncomfortable.
Tothom es veu incòmode.
Many Americans are uncomfortable with silence, and they tend to regard silence in a conversation as a signal that they need to start talking.
Molts nord-americans se senten incòmodes amb el silenci, i tendeixen a considerar el silenci en una conversa com un senyal que han de començar a parlar.
I feel uncomfortable with those people.
Em sento incòmode amb aquesta gent.
I feel uncomfortable in this chair.
Em sento incòmode en aquesta cadira.
I am uncomfortable in these new shoes.
Em sento incòmode amb aquestes sabates noves.
I get very uncomfortable when I catch him staring at me.
Em sento molt incòmode quan l'agafo mirant-me.
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