Bob's your uncle.
Bob és el teu oncle.
She visited her uncle and aunt.
Va visitar el seu oncle i la seva tieta.
I'm going to be an uncle.
Seré oncle.
Her uncle lives in Switzerland.
El seu oncle viu a Suïssa.
We acquired the property when our uncle died.
Vam adquirir la propietat quan va morir el nostre oncle.
I'm Tom's uncle.
Sóc l'oncle d'en Tom.
My uncle gave me this watch.
El meu pare em va donar aquest rellotge.
She met her uncle.
Va conèixer el seu oncle.
My uncle gave me an hourglass.
El meu oncle em va donar un rellotge de sorra.
Tom and his uncle walked together in silence.
Tom i el seu oncle van caminar junts en silenci.
Let your uncle think about it.
Deixa que el teu oncle hi pensi.
Tim's uncle was a machine gunner on a helicopter in Vietnam.
L'oncle de Tim era metrallador en un helicòpter al Vietnam.
My uncle gave me a gift.
El meu oncle em va fer un regal.
My uncle has been diagnosed with leukemia.
El meu oncle ha estat diagnosticat amb leucèmia.
Mommy, why don't I have an uncle with a beard?
Mare, per què no tinc un oncle amb barba?
My parents have gone to the airport to see my uncle off.
Els meus pares han anat a l'aeroport a veure el meu oncle.
Father visited my uncle in hospital.
El pare va visitar el meu oncle a l'hospital.
My uncle lives next to the school.
El meu fill viu al costat de l’escola.
My uncle gave his car to me.
El meu pare em va donar el cotxe.
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