A clever husband reads his wife's thoughts, but doesn't try to understand them.
Un marit intel·ligent llegeix els pensaments de la seva dona, però no intenta entendre'ls.
Don't try to reform everyone you meet.
No intentis reformar a tots els que coneguis.
I'll try to reason it out.
Intentaré raonar-ho.
We won't know whether we can do it or not unless we try.
No sabrem si ho podem fer o no tret que ho intentem.
You should always try to do your best.
Sempre has d'intentar fer el millor possible.
They try to resolve the problems of the city.
Intenten resoldre els problemes de la ciutat.
My fear is more than my desire to try.
La meva por és més que el meu desig d'intentar-ho.
"Do you want to try?" "Why not?"
"Vols intentar-ho?" "Per què no?"
No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do it.
Per molt que ho intentis, no ho podràs fer.
I try to keep business and pleasure separate.
Intento mantenir separats els negocis i el plaer.
"That's impossible!" said Reason. "That's insane!" noted Experience. "That's pointless!" cut Pride. "Take a try..." whispered Dream. "Fuck it all" replied Laziness.
"Això és impossible!" va dir Raó. "Això és boig!" experiència Notada. "Això és inútil!" tallar l'orgull. "Intenta't..". va xiuxiuejar Dream. "A la merda de tot", va respondre Laziness.
There is no such as a saint, do not try to seem like one.
No hi ha tal com un sant, no intenteu semblar-ne un.