Hand me a towel.
Dóna'm una tovallola.
I folded the towel in half.
Vaig plegar la tovallola per la meitat.
I need a towel.
Necessito una tovallola.
I'll get you a towel.
Et portaré una tovallola.
Tom wrung out the towel.
Tom va treure la tovallola.
Tom needs a dry towel.
Tom necessita una tovallola seca.
The towel is in the bathroom.
La tovallola està al bany.
Don't put the wet towel in the bag.
No posis la tovallola mullada a la bossa.
He needs a towel.
Necessita una tovallola.
Dry a wet towel over a fire.
Assecar una tovallola humida sobre un foc.
Don't throw in the towel.
No llenceu la tovallola.
Water is dripping from the wet towel.
L'aigua degota de la tovallola humida.
Bring me a moist towel.
Porta'm una tovallola humida.
She wiped her wet hair with a towel.
Es va netejar els cabells humits amb una tovallola.
There's only one bath towel in our bathroom.
Només hi ha una tovallola de bany al bany.
My bath towel was wet, so it was of no use.
La meva tovallola de bany estava mullada, així que no va servir de res.
Bring me a dry towel.
Porta'm una tovallola seca.
I folded the towel in half.
Vaig plegar la tovallola per la meitat.
I'll get you a towel.
Et portaré una tovallola.
Bring me a moist towel.
Porta'm una tovallola humida.
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