His wife has him under the thumb.
La seva dona el té sota el polze.
The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky.
La mà té cinc dits: el polze, el dit índex, el dit mitjà, el dit anular i el rosat.
He has her under his thumb.
La té sota el polze.
I pricked my thumb with a needle.
Em vaig punxar el polze amb una agulla.
She had no rule of thumb about it, but she got it right every time.
No tenia cap regla general al respecte, però ho feia bé cada vegada.
As a rule of thumb, you should plan on one pound of beef for every two guests.
Com a regla general, hauríeu de planificar una lliura de vedella per cada dos convidats.
The glove has a hole in the thumb.
El guant té un forat al polze.
He has her under his thumb.
La té sota el polze.
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