He spent countless hours preparing for the test.
Va passar innombrables hores preparant-se per a la prova.
Hit the brakes, darling. We should test our feelings. We don't know each other well enough, I'm not used to anticipate the events.
Posa els frens, estimat. Hem de posar a prova els nostres sentiments. No ens coneixem prou bé, no estic acostumat a anticipar-me als esdeveniments.
I can't pass the test.
No puc passar la prova.
I passed one test, but failed the other.
Vaig passar una prova, però vaig fallar l'altra.
I'm still waiting for the test results.
Encara estic esperant els resultats de les proves.
I know the test was difficult.
Sé que la prova va ser difícil.
I have a test next week.
La setmana que ve tinc una prova.
I can pass the test. I know I can.
Puc passar la prova. Sé que puc.
A DNA test proved her innocence.
Una prova d'ADN va demostrar la seva innocència.
A DNA test proved his innocence.
Una prova d'ADN va demostrar la seva innocència.
A DNA test showed she was innocent.
Una prova d'ADN va demostrar que era innocent.
The test samples were due to arrive three days ago.
Les mostres de prova havien d'arribar fa tres dies.
Have you ever taken a lie detector test?
Alguna vegada has fet una prova de detector de mentides?
He made a crash test dummy of himself.
Va fer un maniquí de prova d'accidents d'ell mateix.
I made a serious mistake on the test.
Vaig cometre un greu error a la prova.
A DNA test showed he was innocent.
Una prova d'ADN va demostrar que era innocent.
The DNA test cleared him of all charges.
La prova d'ADN el va eliminar de tots els càrrecs.
Tom did okay on the test.
Tom va fer bé a la prova.
Tom didn't do well enough on the driver's test to get a driver's license.
Tom no va sortir prou bé a la prova de conduir per obtenir un carnet de conduir.
Tom and Mary gave exactly the same answers on the test which made the teacher suspicious.
Tom i Mary van donar exactament les mateixes respostes a la prova que van fer sospitar el professor.
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