Brain surgery is very complex.
La cirurgia cerebral és molt complexa.
He died during surgery.
Va morir durant la cirurgia.
I need surgery.
Necessito cirurgia.
Tom needs surgery.
Tom necessita cirurgia.
This surgery has a successful outcome.
Aquesta cirurgia té un resultat exitós.
Don't worry, present day cosmetic surgery is much better than what it used to be in Doctor Frankenstein's days.
No us preocupeu, la cirurgia estètica actual és molt millor que la que abans era en els dies del doctor Frankenstein.
The surgery is quite difficult.
La cirurgia és molt difícil.
Have you had surgery before? For what reason?
Has estat operat abans? Per quina raó?
This surgery has a successful outcome.
Aquesta cirurgia té un resultat exitós.
Is the patient prepared for surgery?
El pacient està preparat per a la cirurgia?
He decided to have surgery.
Va decidir operar-se.
The surgery, performed at our clinic, is over in half an hour.
La cirurgia, realitzada a la nostra clínica, és superior en mitja hora.
I underwent major surgery last year.
L'any passat em vaig sotmetre a una cirurgia important.
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