I suppose I could wait a little bit longer.
Suposo que podria esperar una mica més.
You work in an office? I suppose most people do, don't they? Is it fun? No? Oh well.
Treballes en una oficina? Suposo que la majoria de la gent ho fa, oi? És divertit? No? Oh bé.
"Professor, I suppose I think you ought not but may!" "Why, I think you may but ought not." "So what then?" "Nothing."
"Professor, suposo que crec que no ho hauries de fer sinó que pots!" "Per què, crec que potser però no ho hauríeu de fer." "Llavors, què?" "Res."
I suppose you'll be studying all day tomorrow.
Suposo que demà estudiaràs tot el dia.
I suppose you have the right to know.
Suposo que teniu dret a saber-ho.
I suppose we should tell Tom the truth.
Suposo que hauríem de dir-li la veritat a Tom.
I suppose we have nothing to lose.
Suposo que no tenim res a perdre.
I suppose we have no choice.
Suposo que no tenim més remei.
I suppose it's time to go.
Suposo que és hora de marxar.
I suppose you won't mind if I take one?
Suposo que no t'importarà si en prenc un?
I suppose you want me to tell Tom what happened.
Suposo que vols que li digui a Tom el que va passar.
I suppose you want to ask me where I've been.
Suposo que vols preguntar-me on he estat.
I suppose you like it.
Suposo que t'agrada.
No, I suppose not.
No, suposo que no.
Which do you suppose she chose?
Què creus que va triar?
I don't suppose it's possible to read a book by moonlight.
No crec que sigui possible llegir un llibre a la llum de la lluna.
Let's suppose that he is here.
Suposem que és aquí.
I suppose her brother would be about forty when he died.
Suposo que el seu germà tindria uns quaranta anys quan morís.
I suppose he will be late.
Suposo que arribarà tard.
I suppose he's gone home.
Suposo que se n'ha anat a casa.
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