Vaig comprar un vestit amb dos parells de pantalons.
You get two pairs of trousers with this suit.
Tens dos parells de pantalons amb aquest vestit.
This suit fits you perfectly.
Aquest vestit t'adapta perfectament.
I wear a suit, but not a tie.
Porto un vestit, però no una corbata.
I thought you were going to wear your new suit.
Vaig pensar que portaries el teu vestit nou.
Those glasses suit you.
Aquestes ulleres us convenen.
Tom only wears a suit on special occasions.
Tom només porta un vestit en ocasions especials.
She clothed herself in a new suit.
Es va vestir amb un vestit nou.
Nice suit.
Bonic vestit.
"I'm in an Armani store buying a suit, of course," Dima replied.
"Estic en una botiga Armani comprant un vestit, és clar", va respondre Dima.
His suit was gray and his tie was yellow.
El seu vestit era gris i la seva corbata era groga.
As he looked through the store window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell upon a gorgeous black suit, and then widened even more when he noticed the 100,100,100.100 BYR price tag.
Mentre mirava per l'aparador de la botiga, els ulls de la Dima es van eixamplar quan van caure sobre un magnífic vestit negre i després es van eixamplar encara més quan es va adonar del preu de 100.100.100,100 BYR.
The short man wears a black suit.
L'home curt porta un vestit negre.
I wear a suit but wear no tie.
Porto vestit però no porto corbata.
His tie corresponds well with his suit.
La seva corbata es correspon bé amb el seu vestit.