Can I make a suggestion?
Puc fer un suggeriment?
Finally one useful suggestion!
Finalment, un suggeriment útil!
I have a suggestion for you.
Tinc un suggeriment per a tu.
I don't like your suggestion.
No m'agrada el teu suggeriment.
He acted on your suggestion.
Va actuar segons el seu suggeriment.
He balked at the suggestion that he give ten percent of his income to charity.
Es va oposar al suggeriment que donés el deu per cent dels seus ingressos a la caritat.
She spoke with a suggestion of sarcasm in her voice.
Va parlar amb un suggeriment de sarcasme a la seva veu.
What do you think of his suggestion?
Què en penseu del seu suggeriment?
I have a suggestion.
Tinc un suggeriment.
He spoke with a suggestion of sarcasm in his voice.
Va parlar amb un suggeriment de sarcasme a la seva veu.
He turned up his nose at my suggestion.
Va aparèixer el nas a proposta meva.
He made his suggestion very tactfully.
Va fer el seu suggeriment amb molt de tacte.
How do you feel about his suggestion?
Com et sents amb el seu suggeriment?
I think his suggestion is worth considering.
Crec que val la pena tenir en compte el seu suggeriment.
I approve the suggestion.
Aprovo el suggeriment.
Your suggestion seems reasonable.
El teu suggeriment sembla raonable.
Well, I have a suggestion to make.
Tinc un suggeriment per fer.
I don't like your suggestion.
No m'agrada el teu suggeriment.
What do you think of his suggestion?
Què en penseu del seu suggeriment?
I think his suggestion is worth considering.
Crec que val la pena tenir en compte el seu suggeriment.
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