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IPA : /səfərɪŋ/
I've been back home for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.
He tornat a casa durant una setmana, però encara pateixo jet lag.
I've been back for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.
He tornat durant una setmana, però encara pateixo jet lag.
For 100 years, I've been living in suffering!
Fa 100 anys que visc amb patiment!
Tom is suffering from a nervous disorder.
Tom pateix un trastorn nerviós.
When I think of my four-dimensional self, I begin to mourn for the "broken" parts of the worm, and want to fix it. (Especially where there was suffering). Is that weird?
Quan penso en el meu jo de quatre dimensions, començo a plorar per les parts "trencades" del cuc i vull arreglar-ho. (Sobretot on hi havia patiment). És estrany?
I'm suffering from anal itching.
Estic patint picor anal.
After years of suffering, she finally decided to forget the past and begin a new life.
Després d'anys de patiment, finalment va decidir oblidar el passat i començar una nova vida.
I have to -- oh God oh great -- remember such a string of numbers, great famous Archimedes, help the suffering, give him the power, let him recite by heart those famous, and yet for us irritating, ah, numbers of Ludolph!
He de - oh Déu gran -- recordar una sèrie de nombres, grans Arquimedes famosos, ajudar el sofriment, donar-li el poder, deixar-li recitar de memòria aquells famosos, i tanmateix per a nosaltres irritant, ah, números de Ludolph!
We're suffering from an unbearable heat wave for the second week straight.
Estem patint una onada de calor insuportable per segona setmana consecutiva.
Fathers and teachers, I ponder, "What is hell?" I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.
Pares i mestres, reflexiono: "Què és l'infern?" Crec que és el patiment de ser incapaç d’estimar.
Accept suffering and achieve atonement through it — that is what you must do.
Accepta el patiment i aconsegueix l'expiació a través d'ell — que és el que has de fer.
Famine weakens. Debt causes suffering.
La fam es debilita. El deute provoca patiment.
In addition to a blocked nose, I'm also suffering from a high temperature.
A més d'un nas bloquejat, també pateixo una temperatura elevada.
My sister is suffering from a bad cold.
La meva germana pateix un mal refredat.
She's suffering from a serious disease.
Pateix una malaltia greu.
The two poems express human suffering.
Els dos poemes expressen el patiment humà.
He is suffering from toothache.
Pateix mal de queixal.
How much more suffering can they endure?
Quant més patiment poden patir?
If he had given up smoking then, he might not be suffering from such a disease.
Si hagués deixat de fumar, potser no patiria aquesta malaltia.
I have a headache and I am suffering from a cough.
Tinc mal de cap i pateixo tos.
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