We suddenly sighted a school of fish.
De sobte vam veure un banc de peixos.
Tom's horse reared suddenly and threw him.
El cavall d'en Tom es va aixecar de sobte i el va llançar.
Tom suddenly disappeared.
Tom va desaparèixer de sobte.
Nothing foretold troubles, but the keys suddenly slipped out of my hands.
Res no va predir problemes, però les claus de sobte em van escapar de les mans.
Tom suddenly stopped talking.
Tom de sobte va deixar de parlar.
Sometimes a bright word comes suddenly, without any search, by itself.
De vegades, una paraula brillant ve de sobte, sense cap recerca, per si mateixa.
Why did you scare my wife by suddenly jumping out of the cupboard?
Per què vas espantar la meva dona saltant de sobte de l'armari?
The sun suddenly appeared from behind a cloud.
El sol va aparèixer de sobte des de darrere d'un núvol.
He suddenly stopped.
De sobte es va aturar.
The gun suddenly went off.
L'arma va explotar de sobte.
"Eureka!", shouted Tom suddenly.
"Eureka!", va cridar Tom de sobte.
He died suddenly at the age of 100.
Va morir sobtadament als 100 anys.
I'm suddenly tired.
De sobte estic cansat.
But now, when only one step was left to the goal, Orest suddenly lost his courage.
Però ara, quan només quedava un pas per a la porteria, Orest va perdre de sobte el seu coratge.
She suddenly kissed me.
De sobte em va fer un petó.
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