"They're all the same!" "Come on, Styopa! Looks like you've never had sex!" "Professor, I have no time for it!" "You sucker, it's a great pleasure." "Professor, I want to go with you!" "Yeah say that again! You're gonna suck just like always." "Yes, you're right".
"Tots són iguals!" "Vine, Styopa! Sembla que mai has tingut relacions sexuals!" "Professor, no tinc temps per a això!" "Vas xuclar, és un gran plaer." "Professor, vull anar amb tu!" "Sí, torna a dir-ho! Xuclaràs com sempre." "Sí, tens raó".
To be absolutely truthful, you suck at football.
Per ser absolutament veraç, xucla el futbol.
Language schools suck.
Les escoles d'idiomes xuclen.
You can't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
No pots ensenyar a la teva àvia a xuclar ous.
You can't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
No pots ensenyar a la teva àvia a xuclar ous.
You can't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
No pots ensenyar a la teva àvia a xuclar ous.
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