I didn't expect such a nasty response to my question.
No esperava una resposta tan desagradable a la meva pregunta.
It's a puzzle to me how such a stupid guy ever got through college.
És un trencaclosques per a mi com un noi tan estúpid va passar mai a la universitat.
There was such a racket at my house last night, I couldn't sleep.
A casa meva hi havia una raqueta així ahir a la nit, no podia dormir.
Ask such questions that other people would answer with pleasure.
Fer aquestes preguntes que altres persones respondrien amb plaer.
We wouldn't take such junk even as a gift.
No ens prendríem aquestes escombraries ni tan sols com un regal.
I've never seen such a tattoo.
Mai he vist un tatuatge així.
You're such a weirdo.
Ets tan estrany.
I think that games such as Candy Crush are a waste of time.
Crec que jocs com Candy Crush són una pèrdua de temps.
A good master wouldn't let his dog out in such cold weather.
Un bon amo no deixava sortir el seu gos en tan fred.
While I was thinking over whether I should accept such strange apologies, Coutabay leafed through the book and read loudly and expressively: "While I was thinking over whether I should accept such strange apologies, Coutabay leafed through the book and read loudly and expressively: "While I was thinking..." Holmes quickly snatched the volume from Coutabay's hands.
Mentre pensava si havia d'acceptar disculpes tan estranyes, Coutabay va recórrer el llibre i va llegir en veu alta i expressiva: "Mentre pensava si havia d'acceptar disculpes tan estranyes, Coutabay va recórrer el llibre i va llegir en veu alta i expressiva: "Mentre pensava..." Holmes ràpidament va arrabassar el volum de les mans de Coutabay.
I don't have any pity for such a fool.
No tinc cap llàstima per un ximple.
The soul of such a man is likely as tender as silk.
L'ànima d'un home així és probablement tan tendra com la seda.
You're such a gossip.
Ets una xafarderia.
How can you say such a nonsense?
Com es pot dir una tonteria així?
What complications can occur with such an operation?