I have a tip that will make every cake successful.
Tinc un consell que farà que cada pastís tingui èxit.
That was the most successful party we've ever had.
Aquesta va ser la festa més exitosa que hem tingut mai.
I wasn't successful at anything today.
Avui no he tingut èxit en res.
All things considered, I think we could say that the meeting was successful and met its objectives.
Tot plegat, crec que podríem dir que la reunió va tenir èxit i va assolir els seus objectius.
To plan one's time properly is a recipe of a successful man, to plan it reasonably is that of a sage.
Planificar correctament el temps és una recepta d'un home d'èxit, planificar-ho raonablement és la d'un savi.
He is a successful lawyer.
És un advocat d'èxit.
Tom won't be successful.
Tom no tindrà èxit.
Nevertheless I think the experiment was successful.
Tot i això, crec que l’experiment va tenir èxit.
I'm successful.
Tinc èxit.
This surgery has a successful outcome.
Aquesta cirurgia té un resultat exitós.
I calmed down upon finding out that the operation was successful.
Em vaig calmar en descobrir que l'operació va tenir èxit.
This surgery has a successful outcome.
Aquesta cirurgia té un resultat exitós.
Masterpieces are but successful attempts.
Les obres mestres no són més que intents reeixits.
The experiment was successful.
L'experiment va tenir èxit.
They were successful in solving the problem.
Van tenir èxit en resoldre el problema.
He is successful in everything.
Té èxit en tot.
He was successful in the attempt.
Va tenir èxit en l'intent.
He likes to boast about his father's successful automobile business.
Li agrada presumir de l'èxit del negoci d'automòbils del seu pare.
His attempt to escape was successful.
El seu intent d'escapar va tenir èxit.
While American methods are often successful, the Japanese educational system that produces the most literate people in the world surely has some lessons to teach the U.S.
Tot i que els mètodes nord-americans solen tenir èxit, el sistema educatiu japonès que produeix les persones més alfabetitzades del món segurament té algunes lliçons per ensenyar als EUA.