You're bound to succeed in the long run.
Estàs obligat a tenir èxit a llarg termini.
It's pointless. However much we try, we won't succeed. Now admit it.
És inútil. Per molt que ho intentem, no ho aconseguirem. Ara admet-ho.
We hoped we'd succeed today.
Esperem que ho aconseguim avui.
I'm anxious to succeed.
Estic ansiós per tenir èxit.
Just between ourselves, I don't think he's going to succeed.
Només entre nosaltres, no crec que tingui èxit.
Who'll succeed?
Qui tindrà èxit?
He had lost all faith in his ability to succeed.
Havia perdut tota la fe en la seva capacitat per tenir èxit.
People are not remembered by the number of times they fail but for the number of times they succeed.
La gent no és recordada pel nombre de vegades que falla, sinó pel nombre de vegades que ho aconsegueix.
Her son will succeed for sure.
El seu fill ho aconseguirà segur.
I'm confident that you'll succeed.
Estic segur que ho aconseguiràs.
I was able to succeed because of your advice.
Vaig tenir èxit gràcies al teu consell.
Tom understands what it takes to succeed.
Tom entén el que cal per tenir èxit.
In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language.
A París simplement miraven quan els parlava en francès; Mai vaig aconseguir que aquells idiotes entenguessin la seva pròpia llengua.
There's a possibility that she'll succeed.
Hi ha la possibilitat que tingui èxit.
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.
Per tenir èxit en la vida, necessites dues coses: la ignorància i la confiança.
I'm sure that he'll succeed.
Estic segur que ho aconseguirà.
There is a little hope that he will succeed.
Hi ha una mica d'esperança que tingui èxit.
I have no doubt that he will succeed.
No tinc cap dubte que ho aconseguirà.
He is not aggressive enough to succeed in business.
No és prou agressiu per tenir èxit en els negocis.
I hope that he will succeed.
Espero que tingui èxit.
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