The storm has been raging for three days.
La tempesta fa tres dies que esclata.
The dark clouds and swirling wind indicated that a storm was imminent.
Els núvols foscos i el vent arremolinat indicaven que una tempesta era imminent.
For some inexplicable reason, the flimsy shack survived the storm.
Per alguna raó inexplicable, la barraca fràgil va sobreviure a la tempesta.
The storm is dangerous.
La tempesta és perillosa.
I think it will storm soon.
Crec que aviat s'assaltarà.
We were directly in the path of the storm.
Estàvem directament en el camí de la tempesta.
There's a complete record of the storm in the ship's log.
Hi ha un registre complet de la tempesta al registre del vaixell.
We postponed our departure because of the storm.
Hem ajornat la sortida a causa de la tempesta.
We're getting out of here. The storm is coming.
Sortim d'aquí. S'acosta la tempesta.
I slept through the storm.
Vaig dormir a través de la tempesta.
A dust storm is coming.
S'acosta una tempesta de pols.
Coastal cities will take the brunt of the storm.
Les ciutats costaneres prendran el pes de la tempesta.
Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm.
Qui sembra el vent, collirà la tempesta.
It appears the storm has calmed down.
Sembla que la tempesta s'ha calmat.
How long will the storm last?
Quant de temps durarà la tempesta?
The storm sank the boat.
La tempesta va enfonsar el vaixell.
There is going to be a storm.
Hi haurà tempesta.
Outside, the storm was rumbling.
A fora, la tempesta va rebombori.
The storm remitted its fury.
La tempesta va remetre la seva fúria.
After the storm, the sea was quiet again.
Després de la tempesta, el mar va tornar a estar tranquil.
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