Everything artificial that breaks the laws of nature dies sooner or later anyway. Only nature's creations can be eternal.
Tot allò artificial que incompleix les lleis de la natura mor tard o d’hora de totes maneres. Només les creacions de la natura poden ser eternes.
I'd have been here sooner except for some trouble on the way.
Hauria estat aquí abans, excepte per alguns problemes en el camí.
I should've finished that sooner.
Ho hauria d'haver acabat abans.
The patient needs to be looked after by a doctor. And the sooner the doctor looks after him, the better.
El pacient ha de ser atès per un metge. I com més aviat el metge el cuidi, millor.
We'll die sooner or later.
Morirem tard o d'hora.
I'm sorry that I didn't reply sooner.
Em sap greu no haver contestat abans.
We'll all die sooner or later.
Tots morirem tard o d'hora.
All of us will die sooner or later.
Tots morirem tard o d’hora.
He'll run out of luck sooner or later.
Es quedarà sense sort tard o d'hora.
I'll get used to it sooner or later.
M'hi acostumaré tard o d'hora.
No sooner said than done.
Tan aviat dit que fet.
I knew you'd come back sooner or later.
Sabia que tornaries tard o d'hora.
The sooner the better.
Com més aviat millor.
Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?
Per què no ens ho has explicat abans?
I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner.
Em sap greu no haver respost abans.
We will die sooner or later.
Morirem tard o d’hora.
If women knew how much we miss them, they would leave sooner.
Si les dones sabessin quant els trobem a faltar, marxarien abans.
No sooner said than done.
Tan aviat dit que fet.
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