As soon as you round the corner, you'll see the store.
Tan bon punt toquis la cantonada, veuràs la botiga.
Rumor has it that Tom and Mary are going to be married soon.
El rumor diu que Tom i Mary es casaran aviat.
A new railroad will soon be laid here.
Aviat es col·locarà un nou ferrocarril aquí.
Tom stopped knocking on the door as soon as he realized Mary wasn't home.
Tom va deixar de trucar a la porta tan bon punt es va adonar que la Mary no era a casa.
He'll recover soon.
Aviat es recuperarà.
"How soon can you land?" "I can't tell." "You can tell me. I'm a doctor." "No, I mean I'm just not sure!" "Can't you take a guess?" "Well, not for another two hours." "You can't take a guess for another two hours?"
"Quan aviat pots aterrar?" "No ho puc dir." "M'ho pots dir. Sóc metge." "No, vull dir que no n'estic segur!" "No pots endevinar?" "Bé, no durant dues hores més." "No pots endevinar dues hores més?"
Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon.
El teu te es refredarà si no el beus aviat.
Because of the shock, she gave birth too soon.
A causa del xoc, va donar a llum massa aviat.
As soon as she hugged him, he felt a severe pain.
Tan bon punt el va abraçar, va sentir un fort dolor.
Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon.
El teu te es refredarà si no el beus aviat.
I think it will storm soon.
Crec que aviat s'assaltarà.
You go ahead, Tom. I'll catch up soon.
Tu segueixes endavant, Tom. Aviat em posaré al dia.
The cake ought to be done soon.
El pastís s'ha de fer aviat.
The cake should be done soon.
El pastís s'ha de fer aviat.
They soon became inseparable.
Aviat es van fer inseparables.
Wake me up as soon as it's light.
Desperta'm tan bon punt sigui lleuger.
I'll be with you as soon as I finish my dinner.
Estaré amb tu tan bon punt acabi el sopar.
I hope that Maria will write soon.
Espero que la Maria escrigui aviat.
I hope Maria will write soon.
Espero que la Maria escrigui aviat.
If you keep practicing, you'll soon get the feel of it.
Si segueixes practicant, aviat en tindràs la sensació.