He is always smoking.
Sempre està fumant.
Tom gave up smoking.
Tom va deixar de fumar.
Piter's mother enters his room, and in spite of the windows being opened, she can tell that Piter has been smoking.
La mare de Piter entra a la seva habitació i, malgrat que s'obren les finestres, pot dir que Piter ha estat fumant.
Tom has decided to quit smoking.
Tom ha decidit deixar de fumar.
He tried in vain to quit smoking.
Va intentar en va deixar de fumar.
The doctor advised me to quit smoking.
El metge em va aconsellar que deixés de fumar.
Tom sat on the bench smoking.
Tom es va asseure al banc fumant.
I have been smoking since I was nineteen.
He estat fumant des dels dinou anys.
I quit smoking three years ago.
Fa tres anys que vaig deixar de fumar.
You should stop smoking.
Hauríeu de deixar de fumar.
Tom is smoking.
Tom està fumant.
I have quit smoking and drinking.
He deixat de fumar i de beure.
My doctor told me to give up smoking.
El meu metge em va dir que deixés de fumar.
My doctor told me to quit smoking.
El meu metge em va dir que deixés de fumar.
Don't forget smoking is bad for your health.
No oblidis que fumar és dolent per a la teva salut.
I thought Tom had quit smoking.
Pensava que Tom havia deixat de fumar.
It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times.
És fàcil deixar de fumar. Ho he fet centenars de vegades.
Have you been smoking?
Has estat fumant?
My father quit smoking.
El meu pare va deixar de fumar.
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