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Translation of "small" into Catalan
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IPA : /smɔl/
We agreed it would be a small ceremony.
Vam acordar que seria una petita cerimònia.
If small mistakes are not corrected at once, they may lead to serious problems.
Si no es corregeixen petits errors alhora, poden provocar problemes greus.
"Hello." "..." "Are you on guard duty again today?" "Yes." "You don't talk much, right?" "No. ...Listen, I am a samurai. People expect noble reservation and iron self-discipline of me. That just leaves no room for small talk..."
"Hola." "..." "Avui tornes a estar de guàrdia?" "Sí." "No parles gaire, oi?" "No. ...Escolta, sóc un samurai. La gent espera una reserva noble i una autodisciplina de ferro de mi. Això simplement no deixa espai per a una petita xerrada..."
Firstly: We, your forebears, cannot help you from the land beyond. Secondly: The slayer of wheelchairs came here incognito and therefore could only have brought a small number of guards with him. And thirdly: there is (supposedly) no beautiful princess. Got all that? Well, then have fun with your task.
En primer lloc: Nosaltres, els teus avantpassats, no podem ajudar-te des de la terra més enllà. En segon lloc: l'assassí de cadires de rodes venia aquí d'incògnit i, per tant, només podia haver portat un petit nombre de guàrdies amb ell. I en tercer lloc: no hi ha (suposadament) cap princesa bella. Tens tot això? Bé, diverteix-te amb la teva tasca.
We have a very small, plain house.
Tenim una casa molt petita i senzilla.
We lived in a cramped, dim house which was as small as a hive.
Vivíem en una casa estreta i tènue que era tan petita com un rusc.
The Russian language is a great thing. It seems that thing is too great for my small head!
La llengua russa és una cosa molt bona. Sembla que això és massa gran per al meu cap petit!
There's only a small difference between "schwül" (humid) and "schwul" (gay).
Només hi ha una petita diferència entre "schwül" (humit) i "schwul" (gay).
My room is a little small, but comfortable.
La meva habitació és una mica petita, però còmoda.
Tom owns a small piece of land in the country.
Tom té un petit tros de terra al país.
Could you do me a small favor?
Em podries fer un petit favor?
I'd like to buy a small mirror.
M'agradaria comprar un petit mirall.
Luxembourg is a small country.
Luxemburg és un país petit.
Mary returned the shirt because it was too small.
La Maria va tornar la samarreta perquè era massa petita.
I thought, "Wow, what a small world!"
Vaig pensar: "Wow, quin món més petit!"
The animals are kept in very small cages.
Els animals es guarden en gàbies molt petites.
It's a small school. Everyone knows everyone.
És una escola petita. Tothom coneix a tothom.
Tom turned on the small lamp on his bedside table.
Tom va encendre el petit llum de la seva tauleta de nit.
Forget about it. It's such a small thing.
Oblida't d'això. És una cosa tan petita.
Do you have a small English-Russian dictionary?
Tens un petit diccionari anglès-rus?
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