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IPA : /saɪlənt/
Tom waited for Mary to say something, but she remained silent.
Tom va esperar que Mary digués alguna cosa, però ella va romandre en silenci.
Tom asked us to be silent.
Tom ens va demanar que calléssim.
I told you to keep silent.
Et vaig dir que callés.
It's not shameful to be silent when you have nothing to say.
No és vergonyós callar quan no tens res a dir.
I want the class to be silent.
Vull que la classe calli.
My father told me to keep silent.
El meu pare em va dir que callés.
"Who is there?" she asked without raising her head. He remained silent.
"Qui hi és?" va preguntar sense aixecar el cap. Va romandre en silenci.
Tom was silent.
Tom va callar.
It's silent.
És silenciós.
Everyone is silent.
Tothom està en silenci.
Since he didn't know what to say, he remained silent.
Com que no sabia què dir, va romandre en silenci.
He asked that we be silent.
Va demanar que calléssim.
Thanks for understanding the drama of my homeland, which is, like Pablo Neruda would say, a silent Vietnam; there aren't occupation troops, nor powerful planes clouding the clean skies of my land, but we're under financial blockade, but we have no credits, but we can't buy spare parts, but we have no means to buy foods and we need medicines...
Gràcies per entendre el drama de la meva terra natal, que és, com diria Pablo Neruda, un Vietnam silenciós; no hi ha tropes d'ocupació, ni avions poderosos que ennuvolin el cel net de la meva terra, però estem sota bloqueig financer, però no tenim crèdits, però no podem comprar recanvis, però no tenim mitjans per comprar aliments i necessitem medicaments...
When he finished speaking, everyone was silent.
Quan va acabar de parlar, tothom va callar.
He who does not know how to remain silent, does not know how to speak either.
Qui no sap callar tampoc sap parlar.
I can't stay silent on this matter.
No puc callar sobre aquest tema.
Tom remained silent.
Tom va romandre en silenci.
The official designs of the Government, especially its designs in connection with postage stamps and coinage, may be described, I think, as the silent ambassadors of national taste.
Els dissenys oficials del Govern, especialment els seus dissenys en relació amb segells postals i monedes, es poden descriure, crec, com els ambaixadors silenciosos del gust nacional.
It is the sound you hear when everything is silent.
És el so que sents quan tot està en silenci.
Beware of a silent dog and still water.
Compte amb un gos silenciós i aigua tranquil·la.
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