When Tom woke up, Mary was taking a shower.
Quan en Tom es va despertar, la Mary es dutxava.
I need a shower.
Necessito dutxa.
I want to take a shower.
Vull dutxar-me.
Tom prefers to take a shower in the morning while Mary prefers to take a bath just before going to bed.
En Tom prefereix dutxar-se al matí, mentre que la Mary prefereix banyar-se just abans d'anar a dormir.
Tom took a shower before breakfast.
Tom es va dutxar abans d'esmorzar.
Do you shower every day?
Es dutxa cada dia?
I take a shower every day.
Cada dia em dutxo.
After taking a shower, Tom ate dinner.
Després de dutxar-se, Tom va sopar.
I take a shower almost every day.
Em dutxo gairebé cada dia.
I cannot take a shower at night.
No puc dutxar-me de nit.
They're in the shower.
Estan a la dutxa.
He's in the shower.
Està a la dutxa.
She's in the shower.
Està a la dutxa.
They were in the shower.
Estaven a la dutxa.
He was in the shower.
Estava a la dutxa.
She was in the shower.
Estava a la dutxa.
You have to take a shower.
Cal dutxar-se.
Tom took a quick shower.
Tom es va dutxar ràpidament.
He always sings in the shower.
Sempre canta a la dutxa.
He always sings while taking a shower.
Sempre canta mentre es dutxa.
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