Tom was definitely interested, but he tried not to show it.
En Tom definitivament estava interessat, però va intentar no mostrar-ho.
The records of our company show a large profit for the year.
Els registres de la nostra empresa mostren un gran benefici per a l'any.
Please show me the path to the bus stop.
Mostra'm el camí cap a la parada d'autobús.
I'll show you that you're wrong.
Et demostraré que t'equivoques.
We'll do it, but only after the show. And now we have to answer the guy's questions.
Ho farem, però només després de l'espectacle. I ara hem de respondre les preguntes del noi.
Pull over and show me your driver's license.
Traieu-me i mostreu-me el carnet de conduir.
The manager offered to show me around the plant.
El gerent es va oferir a ensenyar-me per la planta.
This is a big opportunity for you to show what you can do.
És una gran oportunitat per mostrar el que pots fer.
Let me show you a picture of the Statue of Liberty.
Permeteu-me que us mostri una imatge de l'Estàtua de la Llibertat.
Watch carefully. I'll show you how it's done.
Mireu amb cura. T'ensenyaré com es fa.
I want to show you something in my office.
Vull ensenyar-te alguna cosa a la meva oficina.
What a show!
Quin espectacle!
If Tom becomes insulting, show him the door.
Si en Tom es torna insultant, ensenya-li la porta.
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