The shop won't be open for clients tomorrow.
Demà la botiga no estarà oberta als clients.
Tom bought a bottle of vodka and some perfume at the duty-free shop.
Tom va comprar una ampolla de vodka i una mica de perfum a la botiga lliure d'impostos.
We don’t mean to talk shop.
No volem parlar de botiga.
Is there a shop here?
Hi ha una botiga aquí?
Don't act like a bull in a china shop.
No actueu com un toro en una botiga de porcellana.
When did you open your new shop?
Quan va obrir la seva nova botiga?
I work in a flower shop.
Treballo en una floristeria.
A long queue had formed in front of the shop.
Davant de la botiga s'havia format una llarga cua.
The shop is open all day.
La botiga està oberta tot el dia.
If you want to buy a leash, go to a pet shop.
Si voleu comprar una corretja, aneu a una botiga d'animals.
I bought five metres of fabric in the shop.
Vaig comprar cinc metres de tela a la botiga.
I feel just like a kid in a candy shop, here!
Em sento com un nen en una botiga de llaminadures, aquí!
We are going to the shop.
Anem a la botiga.
There were no customers, so we closed the shop early.
No hi havia clients, així que vam tancar la botiga abans d'hora.
Since there were no customers, we closed the shop early.
Com que no hi havia clients, vam tancar la botiga abans d'hora.
Where is the nearest shop?
On és la botiga més propera?
I entered a coffee shop.
Vaig entrar a una cafeteria.
The bakery is located next to the butcher shop.
La fleca es troba al costat de la carnisseria.
Stop talking shop!
Deixa de parlar botiga!
I am looking for a shop.
Busco una botiga.
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