The shock rendered Tom speechless.
El xoc va fer que Tom no parlés.
Because of the shock, she gave birth too soon.
A causa del xoc, va donar a llum massa aviat.
I'm still in shock.
Encara estic en xoc.
The death of my grandmother was a great shock.
La mort de la meva àvia va ser un gran xoc.
Tom is in shock.
Tom està en xoc.
Pollen can cause anaphylactic shock when inhaled.
El pol·len pot causar xoc anafilàctic quan s'inhala.
He's in a state of shock.
Està en estat de xoc.
I'm gonna shock the world!
Em sorprendré el món!
Do not throw or drop the console or accessories, or expose them to strong physical shock.
No llenceu ni deixeu caure la consola ni els accessoris, ni els exposeu a un fort xoc físic.
It was a shock to hear about Tom's divorce.
Va ser un xoc saber sobre el divorci de Tom.
My grandmother's death was a big shock.
La mort de la meva àvia va ser un gran xoc.
It gave me quite a shock.
Em va donar un xoc.
The shock of her father's death lingered on and she didn't feel like going out at all.
El xoc de la mort del seu pare va perdurar i no tenia ganes de sortir en absolut.
His death was great shock to his wife.
La seva mort va ser un gran xoc per a la seva dona.
It took him several weeks to recover from the shock.
Va trigar diverses setmanes a recuperar-se del xoc.
The shock deprived her of speech.
El xoc la va privar de la parla.
If you touch that wire, you will receive a shock.
Si toques aquest cable, rebràs un xoc.
It was such a shock.
Va ser un xoc.
It was a great shock to me.
Va ser un gran xoc per a mi.
Tom is in shock.
Tom està en xoc.
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