Do you have the shirt one size bigger?
Tens la samarreta una talla més gran?
There's a loose button on your shirt.
Hi ha un botó solt a la camisa.
Mary returned the shirt because it was too small.
La Maria va tornar la samarreta perquè era massa petita.
She has given me a shirt.
M'ha donat una camisa.
I told you I hated that shirt.
Li vaig dir que odiava aquesta samarreta.
Do you want to buy a shirt?
Vols comprar una samarreta?
The shirt is dirty.
La samarreta està bruta.
Tuck your shirt in.
Enganxa la camisa.
He's wearing a white cotton shirt.
Porta una camisa de cotó blanc.
I don't like this shirt. Please show me another one.
No m'agrada aquesta samarreta. Si us plau, ensenya'm un altre.
I'll give grandma a shirt for Christmas.
Li donaré una samarreta a l'àvia per Nadal.
This shirt needs to be washed.
Cal rentar aquesta samarreta.
That shirt is too large for me.
Aquesta samarreta és massa gran per a mi.
Tom took off his shirt and threw it into the washing machine.
Tom es va treure la camisa i la va llançar a la rentadora.
I like your shirt.
M'agrada la teva camisa.
She unbuttoned her shirt.
Va desbotonar la camisa.
He unbuttoned his shirt.
Va desbotonar la camisa.
Where's the shirt I bought you?
On és la samarreta que t'he comprat?
Thank you for burning my shirt with your cigarette.
Gràcies per cremar-me la camisa amb el cigarret.
I want that shirt too.
Jo també vull aquesta samarreta.
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