Tom decided to sell his business and retire.
Tom va decidir vendre el seu negoci i retirar-se.
Pharmaceutical companies hide information from the public about the safety of the medications they sell.
Les empreses farmacèutiques amaguen informació al públic sobre la seguretat dels medicaments que venen.
Do you sell on credit?
Vens a crèdit?
I have no jewels to sell.
No tinc joies per vendre.
I don't buy or sell anything!
No compro ni venem res!
I wanted to sell Tom my old car.
Volia vendre a Tom el meu cotxe vell.
I have to sell it today.
Avui l'he de vendre.
Do you sell this by the kilogram?
Ho veneu amb el quilogram?
Do you sell French newspapers?
Vens diaris francesos?
Do you sell alarm clocks?
Vens rellotges d'alarma?
We used to have aeroplanes, but we had to sell them.
Abans teníem avions, però els havíem de vendre.
Do you want to sell your house?
Vols vendre la teva casa?
Where do you want to sell this?
On vols vendre això?
Tom doesn't want to sell his farm.
Tom no vol vendre la seva granja.
He didn't want to sell the book.
No volia vendre el llibre.
We used to have airplanes, but we had to sell them.
Abans teníem avions, però els havíem de vendre.
Tom wanted to sell it.
Tom volia vendre-la.
Tom wants to sell it.
Tom vol vendre-la.
They sell us copper.
Ens venen coure.
They sue companies who sell MP100 players without paying them.
Demanen a les empreses que venen reproductors MP100 sense pagar-los.
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