Some people, looking at the bright Sun, seek for stains only.
Algunes persones, mirant el Sol brillant, només busquen taques.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Pregunteu, i us serà donat; busqueu, i trobareu; truqueu, i us s'obrirà.
Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you; for every one who is asking doth receive, and he who is seeking doth find, and to him who is knocking it shall be opened.
Pregunteu, i se us donarà; busqueu, i trobareu; truqueu, i us estarà obert; perquè tothom qui demana rebre, i qui busca trobar, i a qui l'està trucant s'obrirà.
I don't need gold, I only seek the ultimate truth.
No necessito or, només busco la veritat definitiva.
I seek my own truth.
Busco la meva pròpia veritat.
It might be worthwhile to seek advice from your doctor.
Pot ser que valgui la pena demanar consell al seu metge.
The only useful knowledge is that which teaches us how to seek what is good and avoid what is evil.
L’únic coneixement útil és el que ens ensenya a buscar allò que és bo i a evitar allò que és dolent.
Believe those who seek truth, beware those who find it.
Creuen els que busquen la veritat, compte amb els que la troben.
Now you have come of age, you should seek a living for yourself.
Ara has arribat a la majoria d'edat, has de buscar la vida per tu mateix.
And they would play hide and go seek.
I jugarien a amagar-se i a buscar.
Believe those who seek truth, beware those who find it.
Creuen els que busquen la veritat, compte amb els que la troben.