"Ganon made man in his image, and spoke to his creations: "You are my prisoners." Wait, what the hell is this..?" "It's a book." "I know a book if I see one, Sister Ipo. What book—" "Read the book!" "You goose."
"Ganon va fer home a la seva imatge i va parlar amb les seves creacions: "Ets els meus presoners." Espera, què dimonis és això..?" "És un llibre." "Sé un llibre si en veig un, germana Ipo. Quin llibre—" "Llegiu el llibre!" "Eques."
Tom didn't want his friends to see him cry.
Tom no volia que els seus amics el veiessin plorar.
We'll go see Tom.
Anirem a veure en Tom.
All the same, I want to see it.
Tot i així, vull veure-ho.
As soon as you round the corner, you'll see the store.
Tan bon punt toquis la cantonada, veuràs la botiga.
It makes me sad to see you looking so unhappy.
Em fa trist veure't tan infeliç.
You could see the look of scorn on Tom's face.
Podríeu veure l'aspecte de menyspreu a la cara d'en Tom.
If I see Tom, I'll tell him that you're looking for him.
Si veig en Tom, li diré que el busques.
If I see Tom, I'll tell him that.
Si veig en Tom, li diré això.
I'm glad Tom was able to see you while you were in Boston.
M'alegro que Tom et pogués veure mentre eres a Boston.
I don't want Tom to see this.
No vull que en Tom ho vegi.
Tom was looking for Mary, but it was raining hard and he didn't see her.
Tom buscava la Mary, però plovia molt i no la veia.
I don't want her to see it.
No vull que ho vegi.
I don't want him to see it.
No vull que ho vegi.
I don't want you to see Tom anymore.
Ja no vull que vegis en Tom.
You should see a therapist.
Hauries de veure un terapeuta.
I don't see any relation between the two problems.
No veig cap relació entre els dos problemes.
I have reason to think that we'll never see Tom again.
Tinc motius per pensar que mai tornarem a veure en Tom.