Mary discovered that Tom was secretly a talented singer.
Mary va descobrir que Tom era secretament un cantant talentós.
Maria didn’t suspect that "Tom", her pen-friend, with whom she had been corresponding for months over the Internet and whom she secretly loved, without ever having met him, was actually a super-intelligent squirrel.
Maria no sospitava que "Tom", el seu amic per correspondència, amb qui feia mesos que mantenia correspondència per Internet i a qui estimava en secret, sense haver-lo conegut mai, era en realitat un esquirol súper intel·ligent.
He secretly showed me her photograph.
Em va mostrar en secret la seva fotografia.
As a disinterested third-party, I can declare that she secretly loves him.
Com a tercer desinteressat, puc declarar que l'estima en secret.
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