Be careful not to scratch the furniture.
Aneu amb compte de no ratllar els mobles.
Where did you get that scratch on your cheek?
On et vas posar aquesta rascada a la galta?
The hare went out to the porch to scratch his balls. He thrust his paw - no balls there! Thus he fell down from the porch.
La llebre va sortir al porxo per rascar-li les boles. Va llançar la seva pota, sense boles allà! Així va caure del porxo.
We need to start from scratch.
Hem de començar de zero.
If you anger the cat, it will certainly scratch you.
Si enfadeu el gat, sens dubte us ratllarà.
My cat purrs when I scratch behind his ears.
El meu gat ronca quan em rasco darrere les orelles.
They had to start from scratch.
Havien de començar de zero.
My cat likes it when I scratch her behind the ears.
Al meu gat li agrada quan la ratllo darrere de les orelles.
The cat started to scratch the carpet.
El gat va començar a ratllar la catifa.
There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount?
Aquí hi ha una rascada. Em podries donar un descompte?
We need to start from scratch.
Hem de començar de zero.
We need to start from scratch.
Hem de començar de zero.
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