Tom wrote an article for the school newspaper.
Tom va escriure un article per al diari de l'escola.
Do you go to school?
Vas a l'escola?
The whole school turned out to welcome Tom back.
Tota l'escola va resultar donar la benvinguda a Tom.
We suddenly sighted a school of fish.
De sobte vam veure un banc de peixos.
When is school out?
Quan està l’escola fora?
We knew that we were going to go in different directions when our school finished.
Sabíem que anàvem en diferents direccions quan acabés la nostra escola.
How many students are in the school?
Quants alumnes hi ha a l’escola?
How many students are there in the school?
Quants alumnes hi ha a l’escola?
Does Tom go to the same school as Mary?
En Tom va a la mateixa escola que la Mary?
These boys ought to be sent to a reform school.
Aquests nois haurien de ser enviats a una escola reformada.
Tom went to the same school that I did.
Tom va anar a la mateixa escola que jo.
Tom wants to live in Boston after he graduates from high school.
Tom vol viure a Boston després de graduar-se a l'escola secundària.
Are those guys from your school?
Són aquests nois de la teva escola?
Tom was suspended from school because he swore at his classmate.
Tom va ser suspès de l'escola perquè va jurar al seu company de classe.
Do you think I'm too old to get back to school?
Creus que sóc massa gran per tornar a l'escola?
Going to the school by bus doesn't take long.
Anar a l'escola amb autobús no triga gaire.
My son who is in the fifth grade has transferred from Shizuoka to an elementary school in Nagoya.
El meu fill que està a cinquè grau s'ha traslladat de Shizuoka a una escola primària de Nagoya.
What're you planning to do after you graduate from high school?
Què penses fer després de graduar-te a l'institut?
What're you planning on doing after you graduate from high school?
Què penses fer després de graduar-te a l'institut?
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