I got quite a scare when they said you were in the hospital.
Vaig tenir un gran ensurt quan van dir que estaves a l'hospital.
Why did you scare my wife by suddenly jumping out of the cupboard?
Per què vas espantar la meva dona saltant de sobte de l'armari?
You're just trying to scare us.
Només estàs intentant espantar-nos.
That dog's bark wouldn't even scare off a baby.
L'escorça d'aquell gos ni tan sols espantaria un nadó.
Her bad face doesn't scare me even a bit.
La seva cara dolenta no m'espanta ni una mica.
I cannot scare the birds away. I am not a scarecrow.
No puc espantar els ocells. No sóc un espantaocells.
Don't scare me like that!
No m'espantis així!
If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago.
Si et volgués espantar, et diria el que vaig somiar fa unes setmanes.
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