"Sometimes it seems, Tom, that we're the only adequate people over here." "You're right, Mary. However sad it is, but we're surrounded by idiots only, and their ring is inexorably tightening."
"De vegades sembla, Tom, que som l'única gent adequada aquí." "Tens raó, Maria. Per molt trist que sigui, però només estem envoltats d'idiotes i el seu anell s'està estrenyent inexorablement."
No one cheered me up when I was sad.
Ningú em va animar quan estava trist.
I've never seen this woman sad or anxious.
Mai he vist aquesta dona trista o ansiosa.
My friend, what's making you this sad today?
Amic meu, què et fa tan trist avui?
You look sad.
Et veus trist.
Why do you look so sad today?
Per què et veus tan trist avui?
"I see it makes you laugh, Tom?" - "Alas, Mary. It could be really funny if it weren't this sad."
"Veig que et fa riure, Tom?" - "Ai, Maria. Podria ser molt divertit si no fos tan trist."