How much of a return did you get on your investment?
Quant de rendiment has obtingut de la teva inversió?
When did Tom return?
Quan va tornar en Tom?
Will you return this pen to me when you are through?
Em tornaràs aquest bolígraf quan hagis acabat?
This machine takes your money and gives you nothing in return.
Aquesta màquina agafa els teus diners i no et dóna res a canvi.
Let's return to the hotel.
Tornem a l’hotel.
You will go, you will return, never in war will you perish.
Aniràs, tornaràs, mai en guerra moriràs.
I will not give them a refund. (I will not return their money to them).
No els donaré cap reemborsament. (No els tornaré els diners).
Pope Francis will return to Rio in 100.
El papa Francesc tornarà a Rio l'any 100.
Why did you return home today?
Per què has tornat a casa avui?
I'm waiting for Tom to return.
Estic esperant que en Tom torni.
Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.
Si us plau, torneu als vostres seients i fixeu els cinturons de seguretat.
I'd better return this.
Millor que torni això.
Please return these books by Saturday.
Torneu aquests llibres dissabte.
Yesterday, I bought a green sofa, but it wouldn't fit through the door, which is why I had to return it.
Ahir vaig comprar un sofà verd, però no encaixava per la porta, per això vaig haver de tornar-lo.
I won't return.
No tornaré.
I will be here until you return.
Estaré aquí fins que tornis.
Tom found nothing to say in return.
Tom no va trobar res a dir a canvi.
Tom had nowhere to return to.
Tom no tenia on tornar.
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