Tom was caught stealing money from the cash register.
Tom va ser atrapat robant diners de la caixa registradora.
Be sure to register the letter.
Assegureu-vos de registrar la carta.
Have you signed the register?
Has signat el registre?
Is this the latest model cash register?
És aquest l'últim model de caixa registradora?
Tom told me how to do it, but it didn't register.
Tom em va dir com fer-ho, però no es va registrar.
Accessing foreign websites that didn't register with the government is illegal in Belarus.
L'accés a llocs web estrangers que no es van registrar al govern és il·legal a Bielorússia.
If you want to participate, you have to register.
Si vols participar, t'has de registrar.
The employee stole money from the cash register.
L'empleat va robar diners de la caixa registradora.
When did they register the names of the members?
Quan es van registrar els noms dels membres?
Hunger compelled the boy to steal money from the cash register.
La fam va obligar el nen a robar diners de la caixa registradora.
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