With regard to the time of year the weather is chilly.
Pel que fa a l'època de l'any, el clima és fred.
The human tendency to regard little things as important has produced very many great things.
La tendència humana a considerar les coses petites com a importants ha produït moltes coses grans.
Many Americans are uncomfortable with silence, and they tend to regard silence in a conversation as a signal that they need to start talking.
Molts nord-americans se senten incòmodes amb el silenci, i tendeixen a considerar el silenci en una conversa com un senyal que han de començar a parlar.
Nobody will regard us as office workers.
Ningú ens considerarà treballadors d'oficina.
I regard him as a poet.
El considero un poeta.
I regard myself as your guardian.
Em considero el teu tutor.
We regard him as our hero.
El considerem el nostre heroi.
We all regard Thomas Edison as a great inventor.
Tots considerem Thomas Edison com un gran inventor.
That company hires people without regard to race, religion, or nationality.
Aquesta empresa contracta persones sense tenir en compte la raça, la religió o la nacionalitat.