I refuse to reply to these charges.
Em nego a respondre a aquests càrrecs.
I was not mistaken: the old man did not refuse the glass he was offered.
No em vaig equivocar: el vell no va rebutjar el got que li van oferir.
A few seconds ago I was in the open air and the bright daylight, and now my eyes refuse to serve me in this darkness.
Fa uns segons estava a l'aire lliure i a la llum del dia, i ara els meus ulls es neguen a servir-me en aquesta foscor.
I couldn't refuse.
No em podia negar.
I'm going to make you an offer that you can't refuse.
Et faré una oferta que no pots rebutjar.
I refuse to answer such a stupid question.
Em nego a respondre una pregunta tan estúpida.
I refuse to answer.
Em nego a respondre.
I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
Et faré una oferta que no pots rebutjar.
Most people will refuse to admit they've made a mistake.
La majoria de la gent es negarà a admetre que s'ha equivocat.
I refuse to listen to your excuses.
Em nego a escoltar les seves excuses.
I refuse to be treated like a child.
Em nego a ser tractat com un nen.
She is likely to refuse to follow his advice, because she does not like him.
És probable que es negui a seguir el seu consell, perquè no li agrada.
I refuse to talk to you!
Em nego a parlar amb tu!
It was silly of him to refuse her offer.
Va ser una ximpleria d'ell rebutjar la seva oferta.
She may well refuse to speak to you because she's in a very bad mood.
Pot ser que es negui a parlar amb tu perquè està de molt mal humor.
I don't know whether to accept or refuse.
No sé si acceptar o rebutjar.
I refuse to discuss the question.
Em nego a discutir la pregunta.
In other words, she wants to refuse the proposal.
És a dir, vol rebutjar la proposta.
You must refuse to drink this drug.
Cal negar-se a beure aquesta droga.
When Sony came back with a 100 billion bid, CBS could not refuse.
Quan Sony va tornar amb una oferta de 100.000 milions, CBS no es va poder negar.
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